That was really good. I just wish it was easier to see what the hell was going on. It was like, if you get Michael Bay to film a live action version of an anime similar to DBZ, and then give him a camera which automatically zooms in, and put him on cocaine - you get CLOSE, to what this movie looks like.
Now I hate to quote Zyphonee on this one, but it WAS actually an anticlimax. All the deaths felt like it. Although the end did carry one important message: If you want to kill someone quickly by means of shooting them, don't use fucking slow-ass lasers. Piconjo sure did grunt a lot, which makes you think he should really do it sparingly. But it sure does show how pissed off and crazy he is, which is reminiscent of Cell. And for this nostalgia, I present you with a delightful biscuit.
Also, Zyphonee is a bastard, you should have been harder on him!