Pretty great. But not perfect.
There were several things holding it back.
First of all, the way the lyrics sat at the top ruined it, and I think some were wrong.
And then there was the animation, which was okay but which also made me feel unsure about this video the very first time I saw it. You see it kind of looks badly looped. When he walks through the desert his legs seem to swivel around weirdly. But it looked hilarious when he ran through the desert in the techno bit, if not strange.
And even though it was done well and it was really epic and stuff, the action just really seemed 1 dimensional, he just runs in a straight line most of the time, and he only shot the film clock, when lemon clock and others were in the room!
So I'm just saying here there should be more gunfighting, but then it'd be too big (4.7 MB!) so it's okay.
Some of the effects, like the blurring, pissed me off, but some were good. The end made me just feel like "oh, guts, that sucks... Fucking banana". The poor guy should of looked behind himself! They always make that silly mistake. And the blue fruit was really not obvious (what on earth was that transparent thing?), it's not like that's much of a problem, I'm just wondering.
This is the half of the review with the positive bits in it. I love the song choice, it's brilliant, I'm glad you chose it because I've wanted to hear more pendulum songs for ages. They are a great band. The credit music was nice. I want to get it for myself.
I love the way you emphasized the characters personalities, you did it very well, especially for someone who has just singular eyes to work with! The emotions and feelings were portrayed very well.
The characters were drawn very thoughtfully. For example, the strawberry clock had hands with seeds in them, rather than crappy pure red ones.
I'd say in general it was a great video, especially for a clock film! All this started off as a silly persons trolling! Well done, well done.