Facebook is not a good place, you know? Lots of stupid spam, annoying posts, trolly attitudes from people who aren't caught on to the fact that you're both on the same side, and being separated from real friendships by weird surrogacy friendships (with the same person in both regards). At this point, Facebook is just about good for nothing.
If things go as planned, I might even challenge The Blue Overhang by making my own social network. Not an annoying, pop-content filled one, or even one that can be used for marketing products. It'd be very intimate, have lots of integrity, and be all about wirelessly communicating with people who you actually do see in real life.
This kind of thing tends to sound audacious, to a lot of people, but with the way my life is I really don't see why not. It almost seems like a no-brainer to give site design a try within the next 10 years.
It also seems pretty obvious that I leave, now that I hear it's part of a massive NSA-tier conspiracy almost on par with Brave New World. I was pissed off at Facebook already, and now it has to be about surveillance state dogma.
All it took for me to make this decision was a good excuse.